解决 Excessive distortion 的一般思路

使用 Abaqus 模拟分析大变形情况时一个经常出现又不容易解决的错误就是单元过度变形(Excessive Element Distortion)。出现该错误模型就会中止运行。虽然 Abaqus 会具体地给出出现过度变形的那些单元(ErrElemExcessDistortion),然而这些信息往往对解决问题并没有多少帮助。


abaqus system error code 1073740940

My model with about 300,000 mesh elements run into an error after a little while of job starting, with the system error code 1073740940. It worked after I reduced the number of elements to about 150,000 with remesh. I am not sure whether this is a computer performance related problem. It’s worth a try when running into this type of error.


Surface based COHESIVE BEHAVIOR cannot be used for contact pair interactions.

Surface-based cohesive behavior 用于模拟 bonded interface。 但是它不用用于 Surface to Surface Interaction. 否则会遇到错误提示,”Surface based COHESIVE BEHAVIOR cannot be used for contact pair interactions. See the surface iteraction named INTPROP-1.”


boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh

When using Bottom-up Mesh in Abaqus, sometimes an error message of “boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh” may pop up after submit the job. One of my colleague suggested following tip to solve it.
