boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh

When using Bottom-up Mesh in Abaqus, sometimes an error message of “boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh” may pop up after submit the job. One of my colleague suggested following tip to solve it.

The aim is to project the nodes of meshed elements in certain faces on which the boundary conditions are set to these according faces. The procedure of doing this is:

  1. In Mesh module, from the menu bar, click Mesh, Edit to open the Edit Mesh dialogue window.
  2. Choose Node in Category.
  3. Choose Project in Method.
  4. Then, in the main viewport panel, following the instructions in status bar:
    1. Select the nodes to project [individually; by angle; by feature edge] ( by angle is recommanded if the face is flat),
    2. Then click Done button, and
    3. Select the entity to project to (here we click on the face as object; if the face is not continuous, choosing a part of it will work, too),
    4. Click Yes to accept the projecting operation.
    5. Click X to end the procedure.

After this, we can create a Set of these nodes, then apply Boundary Conditions to this Set, instead of applying BCs to the according face.©


2 条关于 “boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh” 的评论

  1. Hello
    I tried the above procedure but nothing changed. the error message :The following predefined fields reference regions which contain geometric entities that are not associated with mesh”
    Predefined Field-1.
    I just use bottom-up mesh with 30 regions try to get element order numbering easy to divide sets and steps. It is no such message in the case of 5 regions and less number of elements. I think that is perhaps one of bugs in Abaqus-19? Could you help me to solve it asap? many thanks.

    My email:

    • Hi, I guess you have tried the solution described in the article. If it does not help, I am sorry but I do not know how to solve it in another way. Of course, I do not know if there is other fix to this kind of issue.
      As of this issue does not happen to the case of less regions and elements, the reason may be that the geometry is regular in this case, in which all geometric entities have been associated with a mesh.
      Good luck.


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