Abaqus 中提供了两种方式来模拟界面问题:1. cohesive element;2. surface-based cohesive behavior。其中后一种是在界面的两侧的两个表面之间定义一个相互作用(interaction)来模拟界面特性。
damage or cohesive behavior options cannot be specified for this type of interaction
Abaqus error message “The interaction “Int-1″ references a contact property (IntProp-1) that contains the damage or cohesive behavior option. These options cannot be specified for this type of interaction.”
Surface based COHESIVE BEHAVIOR cannot be used for contact pair interactions.
Surface-based cohesive behavior 用于模拟 bonded interface。 但是它不用用于 Surface to Surface Interaction. 否则会遇到错误提示,”Surface based COHESIVE BEHAVIOR cannot be used for contact pair interactions. See the surface iteraction named INTPROP-1.”
cohesive behavior contact interaction
Typically, Abaqus has two methods for simulating the bonded interface behavior between two entities. One is Cohesive Elements, and another is Surface-based cohesive behavior. When thickness of the interface is negligible, surface-based cohesive method is recommended for its convenience and effectiveness.
2 materials in 1 VUMAT
VUMAT can be implemented to a model which has more than one user custom materials, using cmname variable to identify the materials.
boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh
When using Bottom-up Mesh in Abaqus, sometimes an error message of “boundary conditions reference regions which contains geometric entities that are not associated with a mesh” may pop up after submit the job. One of my colleague suggested following tip to solve it.
Viewing results along a path
To obtain more insight into the stresses and strains of a loaded structure we may want to view results along a line rather than a point. This can be achieved by defining a path and then plot throught the path.
命令行提交 Abaqus 任务
Abaqus 早期好像是只有通过命令行提交任务的。即使到了现在,很多人还是喜欢直接通过命令行操作。而且有时候需要用命令行提交 inp 文件进行计算还可能是因为少数 keywords 不为 Abaqus/CAE 识别。
在 vumat 中确定 element 的编号
如何在 VUMAT 中确定处理的 Element 的序号?这是个有趣的问题。在 polymerfem.com 找到一个方法并附有解释。记录,暂无验证。
查看 ErrElemExcessDistortion 的 Elements
Abaqus 可能会提示有些 Elements 出现了过度变形,并提示可以通过 element set ErrElemExcessDistortion 查看。即使该模拟中途因错结束,也可以在输出中查看到这些单元。