Abaqus Python Command getSequenceFromMask

When recording operation using Macro Manager in Abaqus, some operations are showed using commmand “getSequenceFromMask”. It is totally unreadable. So we need to tell Abaqus to record this kind of operations in other manner.

By issuing command,

session.journalOptions.setValues(replayGeometry=COORDINATE, recoverGeometry=COORDINATE)

in the command line area in Abaqus, we can change the recording method to use coordinates when select vertex, edge, face, cell in the viewpoint. For example,

faces = mdb.models[’Model-1’].parts[’Part-1’].faces.findAt(((-1.0, -0.5,0.0), )), technique=STRUCTURED)
cells = mdb.models[’Model-1’].parts[’Part-1’].cells.findAt(((0.075, 0.05, 0.00016), ))

Although coordinates are not easy to find, too. :lol©



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