原来 Abaqus 用 Licence 的数量是这么算的

刚在 Leeds 大学的网页看到的描述,在计算中心的设备上运行 Abaqus 模拟任务的时候,使用的 Licence 跟任务分配使用的核心数有关,而且不是线性关系。这对于购买和使用 Abaqus 的许可证很有参考价值。

下面是引用,来自 Leeds 大学高性能计算中心网页

Licence Management

Abaqus is a licensed application with a limited number of license tokens. Running an Abaqus analysis requires more than one token. The number of tokens needed (T) is given by the formula T = int(5 x N^0.422) where N is the number of cpu cores. More simply, for common job sizes the numbers are:

| Number of cores | Tokens required |
| —— | —— |
|  1 |  5 |
|  4 |  8 |
|  8 | 12 |
| 12 | 14 |
| 16 | 16 |
| 24 | 19 |
| 32 | 21 |
| 64 | 28 |

所以运行模拟任务的时候需要考虑消耗的 Tokens 数量。

另外,该页面上还提到 Abaqus 利用多核心的效率的描述,

For information, Abaqus scales efficiently to 4 processors, relatively well to 8 processors but poorly further. Trying to run a job over more that 8 to 12 cpu cores won’t increase the performances (and running over more than the number of cpu core per node will even decrease the performance).


<amount_of_RAM_abaqus> is the amount of memory Abaqus will devote to the solver. There are other memory overheads required by Abaqus. Thus, you will need to define <amount_of_RAM_abaqus> to be less than the total memory requested from the queues to allow for this. For instance if you request two cores at 2Gb each, then set memory=3000m for example, which would allow 1Gb for memory overheads.




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