A yarn level simulation on fabric under ballistic impact using Abaqus

To help my colleague to catch up on the finite element simulation of ballistic impact on a fabric based on a yarn level model in Abaqus, I recorded this whole procedure for sharing.


The aim of this recording is just to show the common procedure/operations of doing such a simulation using the commercial code of Abaqus. The material properties used in this example may not reflect any realistic scenario.

And finally, I am very sorry for that the mouse cursor in the video is not very clear.©


2 条关于 “A yarn level simulation on fabric under ballistic impact using Abaqus” 的评论

  1. 链接里的视频打不开,不知道能不能发网盘链接呢,8048*****@qq.com,大恩不言谢!

    • 不好意思,最近太忙一直没怎么管网站的事,而且我居然没收到邮件提醒。
      这个视频是为了教同学操作过程才录制的,质量不好,体积还非常大(超过 1 GB)。发给你是不现实的。如果看了介绍还觉得有需要你就找个方法翻墙看吧。


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