Viewing results along a path

To obtain more insight into the stresses and strains of a loaded structure we may want to view results along a line rather than a point. This can be achieved by defining a path and then plot throught the path.

For example, we would like to tell ABAQUS we want to view the results along the vertical centerline of the displayed elements.

We do this by defining a path.There are two ways to define a path,

  1. using node numbers, and
  2. by specifying points.

If you use nodes the nodes will displace when the structure is loaded. For example,

  1. Turn on node labels.
  2. In our example nodes 11 through 100 define our path.
  3. Click on Tools, Path, Create. Will call the Monitor. Make sure Node list is indicated.
  4. In the Edit Node List Path dialog we can enter the node labels under Node Labels as 11:100, or by clicking the node one by one in the viewport.

Now, plot curve along the path:

  1. To plot these results go to Tools, XY Data, Create.
  2. In the Create XY Data dialog box that appears, select Path; and click Continue. The XY Data from Path dialog box appears with the path that you created visible in the list of available paths. Accept the default selections in the X Values portion of the dialog box. The result that will be plotted is displayed in the Y Values portion of the dialog box. In this case U is the field output variable that was selected last (when you generated the symbol plot).
  3. Click Plot to generate an X–Y plot of U along the path.

Here we go.©



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