An example of VUMAT using Hashin criteria for composites

Here is an example of VUMAT using Hashin criteria for composites. Rumors said it was from the company. This is re-posted from I have not test it. And I also found the same VUMAT in the appendix of a PhD thesis (please refer to the foot of this post).

       subroutine vumat( 
c Read only - 
     1  nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nfieldv, nprops, lanneal, 
     2  stepTime, totalTime, dt, cmname, coordMp, charLength, 
     3  props, density, strainInc, relSpinInc, 
     4  tempOld, stretchOld, defgradOld, fieldOld, 
     5  stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld, 
     6  tempNew, stretchNew, defgradNew, fieldNew, 
c Write only - 
     7  stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew ) 
      include '' 
c 3D Orthotropic Elasticity with Hashin 3d Failure criterion 
c The state variables are stored as: 
c    state(*,1)   = material point status 
c    state(*,2:7) = damping stresses 
c User defined material properties are stored as 
c  * First line: 
c     props(1) --> Young's modulus in 1-direction, E1 
c     props(2) --> Young's modulus in 2-direction, E2 
c     props(3) --> Young's modulus in 3-direction, E3 
c     props(4) --> Poisson's ratio, nu12 
c     props(5) --> Poisson's ratio, nu13 
c     props(6) --> Poisson's ratio, nu23 
c     props(7) --> Shear modulus, G12 
c     props(8) --> Shear modulus, G13 
c  * Second line: 
c     props(9)  --> Shear modulus, G23 
c     props(10) --> beta damping parameter 
c     props(11) --> "not used" 
c     props(12) --> "not used" 
c     props(13) --> "not used" 
c     props(14) --> "not used" 
c     props(15) --> "not used" 
c     props(16) --> "not used" 
c  * Third line: 
c     props(17) --> Ultimate tens stress in 1-direction, sigu1t 
c     props(18) --> Ultimate comp stress in 1-direction, sigu1c 
c     props(19) --> Ultimate tens stress in 2-direction, sigu2t 
c     props(20) --> Ultimate comp stress in 2-direction, sigu2c 
c     props(21) --> Ultimate tens stress in 2-direction, sigu3t 
c     props(22) --> Ultimate comp stress in 2-direction, sigu3c 
c     props(23) --> "not used" 
c     props(24) --> "not used" 
c  * Fourth line: 
c     props(25) --> Ultimate shear stress, sigu12 
c     props(26) --> Ultimate shear stress, sigu13 
c     props(27) --> Ultimate shear stress, sigu23 
c     props(28) --> "not used" 
c     props(29) --> "not used" 
c     props(30) --> "not used" 
c     props(31) --> "not used" 
c     props(32) --> "not used" 

      dimension props(nprops), density(nblock), 
     1  coordMp(nblock,*), 
     2  charLength(*), strainInc(nblock,ndir+nshr), 
     3  relSpinInc(nblock,nshr), tempOld(nblock), 
     4  stretchOld(nblock,ndir+nshr), defgradOld(nblock,ndir+nshr+nshr), 
     5  fieldOld(nblock,nfieldv), stressOld(nblock,ndir+nshr), 
     6  stateOld(nblock,nstatev), enerInternOld(nblock), 
     7  enerInelasOld(nblock), tempNew(*), 
     8  stretchNew(nblock,ndir+nshr), defgradNew(nblock,ndir+nshr+nshr), 
     9  fieldNew(nblock,nfieldv), stressNew(nblock,ndir+nshr), 
     1  stateNew(nblock,nstatev), 
     2  enerInternNew(nblock), enerInelasNew(nblock) 
      character*80 cmname 
      parameter( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, two = 2.d0, half = .5d0 ) 
     *     i_svd_DmgFiberT   = 1, 
     *     i_svd_DmgFiberC   = 2, 
     *     i_svd_DmgMatrixT  = 3, 
     *     i_svd_DmgMatrixC  = 4, 
     *     i_svd_statusMp   = 5, 
     *     i_svd_dampStress = 6, 
c     *    i_svd_dampStressXx = 6, 
c     *    i_svd_dampStressYy = 7, 
c     *    i_svd_dampStressZz = 8, 
c     *    i_svd_dampStressXy = 9, 
c     *    i_svd_dampStressYz = 10, 
c     *    i_svd_dampStressZx = 11, 
     *     i_svd_Strain   = 12, 
c     *    i_svd_StrainXx = 12, 
c     *    i_svd_StrainYy = 13, 
c     *    i_svd_StrainZz = 14, 
c     *    i_svd_StrainXy = 15, 
c     *    i_svd_StrainYz = 16, 
c     *    i_svd_StrainZx = 17, 
     *     n_svd_required = 17 ) 
     *     i_s33_Xx = 1, 
     *     i_s33_Yy = 2, 
     *     i_s33_Zz = 3, 
     *     i_s33_Xy = 4, 
     *     i_s33_Yz = 5, 
     *     i_s33_Zx = 6 ) 
* Structure of property array 
      parameter ( 
     *     i_pro_E1    = 1, 
     *     i_pro_E2    = 2, 
     *     i_pro_E3    = 3, 
     *     i_pro_nu12  = 4, 
     *     i_pro_nu13  = 5, 
     *     i_pro_nu23  = 6, 
     *     i_pro_G12   = 7, 
     *     i_pro_G13   = 8, 
     *     i_pro_G23   = 9, 
     *     i_pro_beta  = 10, 
     *     i_pro_sigu1t = 17, 
     *     i_pro_sigu1c = 18, 
     *     i_pro_sigu2t = 19, 
     *     i_pro_sigu2c = 20, 
     *     i_pro_sigu3t = 21, 
     *     i_pro_sigu3c = 22, 
     *     i_pro_sigu12 = 25, 
     *     i_pro_sigu13 = 26, 
     *     i_pro_sigu23 = 27 ) 
* Temporary arrays 
      dimension eigen(maxblk*3) 
* Read material properties 
      E1 = props(i_pro_E1) 
      E2 = props(i_pro_E2) 
      E3 = props(i_pro_E3) 
      xnu12 = props(i_pro_nu12) 
      xnu13 = props(i_pro_nu13) 
      xnu23 = props(i_pro_nu23) 
      G12 = props(i_pro_G12) 
      G13 = props(i_pro_G13) 
      G23 = props(i_pro_G23) 
      xnu21 = xnu12 * E2 / E1 
      xnu31 = xnu13 * E3 / E1 
      xnu32 = xnu23 * E3 / E2 
* Compute terms of stiffness matrix 
      gg = one / ( one - xnu12*xnu21 - xnu23*xnu32 - xnu31*xnu13 
     *     - two*xnu21*xnu32*xnu13 ) 
      C11  = E1 * ( one - xnu23*xnu32 ) * gg 
      C22  = E2 * ( one - xnu13*xnu31 ) * gg 
      C33  = E3 * ( one - xnu12*xnu21 ) * gg 
      C12  = E1 * ( xnu21 + xnu31*xnu23 ) * gg 
      C13  = E1 * ( xnu31 + xnu21*xnu32 ) * gg 
      C23  = E2 * ( xnu32 + xnu12*xnu31 ) * gg 
      f1t = props(i_pro_sigu1t) 
      f1c = props(i_pro_sigu1c) 
      f2t = props(i_pro_sigu2t) 
      f2c = props(i_pro_sigu2c) 
      f3t = props(i_pro_sigu3t) 
      f3c = props(i_pro_sigu3c) 
      f12 = props(i_pro_sigu12) 
      f13 = props(i_pro_sigu13) 
      f23 = props(i_pro_sigu23) 
      beta = props(i_pro_beta) 
* Assume purely elastic material at the beginning of the analysis 
      if ( totalTime .eq. zero ) then 
         if (nstatev .lt. n_svd_Required) then 
            call xplb_abqerr(-2,'Subroutine VUMAT requires the '// 
     *           'specification of %I state variables. Check the '// 
     *           'definition of *DEPVAR in the input file.', 
     *           n_svd_Required,zero,' ') 
            call xplb_exit 
         end if 
         call OrthoEla3dExp ( nblock, 
     *        stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgFiberT), 
     *        stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgFiberC), 
     *        stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixT), 
     *        stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixC), 
     *        C11, C22, C33, C12, C23, C13, G12, G23, G13, 
     *        strainInc, 
     *        stressNew ) 
      end if 
*  Update total elastic strain 
      call strainUpdate ( nblock, strainInc, 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_strain), stateNew(1,i_svd_strain) ) 
* Stress update 
      call OrthoEla3dExp ( nblock, 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgFiberT), 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgFiberC), 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixT), 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixC), 
     *     C11, C22, C33, C12, C23, C13, G12, G23, G13, 
     *     stateNew(1,i_svd_strain), 
     *     stressNew ) 
* Failure evaluation 
      call copyr ( nblock, 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgFiberT), stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgFiberT) ) 
      call copyr ( nblock, 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgFiberC), stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgFiberC) ) 
      call copyr ( nblock, 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixT), stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixT) ) 
      call copyr ( nblock, 
     *     stateOld(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixC), stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixC) ) 
      nDmg = 0 
      call eig33Anal ( nblock, stretchNew, eigen ) 
      call Hashin3d  ( nblock, nDmg, 
     *     f1t, f2t, f3t, f1c, f2c, f3c, f12, f23, f13, 
     *     stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgFiberT), 
     *     stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgFiberC), 
     *     stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixT), 
     *     stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixC), 
     *     stateNew(1,i_svd_statusMp), 
     *     stressNew, eigen ) 
*     -- Recompute stresses if new Damage is occurring 
      if ( nDmg .gt. 0 ) then 
         call OrthoEla3dExp ( nblock, 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgFiberT), 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgFiberC), 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixT), 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_DmgMatrixC), 
     *        C11, C22, C33, C12, C23, C13, G12, G23, G13, 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_strain), 
     *        stressNew ) 
      end if 
* Beta damping 
      if ( beta .gt. zero ) then 
         call betaDamping3d ( nblock, 
     *        beta, dt, strainInc, 
     *        stressOld, stressNew, 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_statusMp), 
     *        stateOld(1,i_svd_dampStress), 
     *        stateNew(1,i_svd_dampStress) ) 
      end if 
* Integrate the internal specific energy (per unit mass) 
      call EnergyInternal3d ( nblock, stressOld, stressNew, 
     *   strainInc, density, enerInternOld, enerInternNew ) 

*   OrthoEla3dExp: Orthotropic elasticity - 3d             * 
      subroutine OrthoEla3dExp ( nblock, 
     *     dmgFiberT, dmgFiberC, dmgMatrixT, dmgMatrixC, 
     *     C11, C22, C33, C12, C23, C13, G12, G23, G13, 
     *     strain, stress ) 
      include '' 

*  Orthotropic elasticity, 3D case - 
      parameter( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, two = 2.d0) 
     *     i_s33_Xx = 1, 
     *     i_s33_Yy = 2, 
     *     i_s33_Zz = 3, 
     *     i_s33_Xy = 4, 
     *     i_s33_Yz = 5, 
     *     i_s33_Zx = 6, 
     *     n_s33_Car = 6 ) 
      dimension  strain(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     dmgFiberT(nblock), dmgFiberC(nblock), 
     *     dmgMatrixT(nblock), dmgMatrixC(nblock), 
     *     stress(nblock,n_s33_Car) 
*     -- shear fraction in matrix tension and compression mode 
      parameter ( smt = 0.9d0, smc = 0.5d0 ) 
      do k = 1, nblock 
*     -- Compute damaged stiffness 
         dft = dmgFiberT(k) 
         dfc = dmgFiberC(k) 
         dmt = dmgMatrixT(k) 
         dmc = dmgMatrixC(k) 
         df = one - ( one - dft ) * ( one - dfc ) 
         dC11 = ( one - df ) * C11 
         dC22 = ( one - df ) * ( one - dmt ) * ( one - dmc ) * C22 
         dC33 = ( one - df ) * ( one - dmt ) * ( one - dmc ) * C33 
         dC12 = ( one - df ) * ( one - dmt ) * ( one - dmc ) * C12 
         dC23 = ( one - df ) * ( one - dmt ) * ( one - dmc ) * C23 
         dC13 = ( one - df ) * ( one - dmt ) * ( one - dmc ) * C13 
         dG12 = ( one - df ) 
     *        * ( one - smt*dmt ) * ( one - smc*dmc ) * G12 
         dG23 = ( one - df ) 
     *        * ( one - smt*dmt ) * ( one - smc*dmc ) * G23 
         dG13 = ( one - df ) 
     *        * ( one - smt*dmt ) * ( one - smc*dmc ) * G13 
*     -- Stress update 
         stress(k,i_s33_Xx) = dC11 * strain(k,i_s33_Xx) 
     *        + dC12 * strain(k,i_s33_Yy) 
     *        + dC13 * strain(k,i_s33_Zz) 
         stress(k,i_s33_Yy) = dC12 * strain(k,i_s33_Xx) 
     *        + dC22 * strain(k,i_s33_Yy) 
     *        + dC23 * strain(k,i_s33_Zz) 
         stress(k,i_s33_Zz) = dC13 * strain(k,i_s33_Xx) 
     *        + dC23 * strain(k,i_s33_Yy) 
     *        + dC33 * strain(k,i_s33_Zz) 
         stress(k,i_s33_Xy) = two * dG12 * strain(k,i_s33_Xy) 
         stress(k,i_s33_Yz) = two * dG23 * strain(k,i_s33_Yz) 
         stress(k,i_s33_Zx) = two * dG13 * strain(k,i_s33_Zx) 
      end do 

*   strainUpdate: Update total strain                      * 
      subroutine strainUpdate ( nblock, 
     *     strainInc, strainOld, strainNew ) 
      include '' 
     *     i_s33_Xx = 1, 
     *     i_s33_Yy = 2, 
     *     i_s33_Zz = 3, 
     *     i_s33_Xy = 4, 
     *     i_s33_Yz = 5, 
     *     i_s33_Zx = 6, 
     *     n_s33_Car = 6 ) 
      dimension strainInc(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     strainOld(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     strainNew(nblock,n_s33_Car) 
      do k = 1, nblock 
         strainNew(k,i_s33_Xx)= strainOld(k,i_s33_Xx) 
     *                        + strainInc(k,i_s33_Xx) 
         strainNew(k,i_s33_Yy)= strainOld(k,i_s33_Yy) 
     *                        + strainInc(k,i_s33_Yy) 
         strainNew(k,i_s33_Zz)= strainOld(k,i_s33_Zz) 
     *                        + strainInc(k,i_s33_Zz) 
         strainNew(k,i_s33_Xy)= strainOld(k,i_s33_Xy) 
     *                        + strainInc(k,i_s33_Xy) 
         strainNew(k,i_s33_Yz)= strainOld(k,i_s33_Yz) 
     *                        + strainInc(k,i_s33_Yz) 
         strainNew(k,i_s33_Zx)= strainOld(k,i_s33_Zx) 
     *                        + strainInc(k,i_s33_Zx) 
      end do 

*   Hashin3d w/ Modified Puck: Evaluate Hashin 3d failure  * 
*   criterion for fiber, Puck for matrix                   * 
      subroutine Hashin3d ( nblock, nDmg, 
     *     f1t, f2t, f3t, f1c, f2c, f3c, f12, f23, f13, 
     *     dmgFiberT, dmgFiberC, dmgMatrixT, dmgMatrixC, 
     *     statusMp, stress, eigen ) 
      include '' 

      parameter( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, half = 0.5d0, three =3.d0 ) 
     *     i_s33_Xx = 1, 
     *     i_s33_Yy = 2, 
     *     i_s33_Zz = 3, 
     *     i_s33_Xy = 4, 
     *     i_s33_Yz = 5, 
     *     i_s33_Zx = 6, 
     *     n_s33_Car = 6 ) 
      parameter(i_v3d_X=1,i_v3d_Y=2,i_v3d_Z=3 ) 
      parameter(n_v3d_Car=3 ) 
      parameter ( eMax = 1.00d0, eMin = -0.8d0 ) 
      dimension  dmgFiberT(nblock), dmgFiberC(nblock), 
     *     dmgMatrixT(nblock), dmgMatrixC(nblock), 
     *     stress(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     eigen(nblock,n_v3d_Car), 
     *     statusMp(nblock) 
      f1tInv = zero 
      f2tInv = zero 
      f3tInv = zero 
      f1cInv = zero 
      f2cInv = zero 
      f3cInv = zero 
      f12Inv = zero 
      f23Inv = zero 
      f13Inv = zero 
      if ( f1t .gt. zero ) f1tInv = one / f1t 
      if ( f2t .gt. zero ) f2tInv = one / f2t 
      if ( f3t .gt. zero ) f3tInv = one / f3t 
      if ( f1c .gt. zero ) f1cInv = one / f1c 
      if ( f2c .gt. zero ) f2cInv = one / f2c 
      if ( f3c .gt. zero ) f3cInv = one / f3c 
      if ( f12 .gt. zero ) f12Inv = one / f12 
      if ( f23 .gt. zero ) f23Inv = one / f23 
      if ( f13 .gt. zero ) f13Inv = one / f13 
      do k = 1, nblock 
         if ( statusMp(k) .eq. one ) then 
         lFail = 0 
         s11 = stress(k,i_s33_Xx) 
         s22 = stress(k,i_s33_Yy) 
         s33 = stress(k,i_s33_Zz) 
         s12 = stress(k,i_s33_Xy) 
         s23 = stress(k,i_s33_Yz) 
         s13 = stress(k,i_s33_Zx) 
*     Evaluate Fiber modes 
         if ( s11 .gt. zero ) then 
*     -- Tensile Fiber Mode 
            rft = (s11*f1tInv )**2 + (s12*f12Inv )**2 + (s13*f13Inv )**2 
            if ( rft .ge. one ) then 
               lDmg = 1 
               dmgFiberT(k) = one 
            end if 
         else if ( s11 .lt. zero ) then 
*     -- Compressive Fiber Mode 
            rfc = abs(s11) * f1cInv 
            if ( rfc .ge. one ) then 
               lDmg = 1 
               dmgFiberC(k) = one 
            end if 
         end if 
*     Evaluate Matrix Modes 
         if ( ( s22 + s33 ) .gt. zero ) then 
*     -- Tensile Matrix mode 
            rmt = ( s11 * half * f1tInv )**2 
     *           + ( s22**2 * abs(f2tInv * f2cInv) ) 
     *           + ( s12 * f12Inv )**2 
     *           + ( s22 * (f2tInv + f2cInv) ) 
            if ( rmt .ge. one ) then 
               lDmg = 1 
               dmgMatrixT(k) = one 
            end if 
         else if ( ( s22 + s33 ) .lt. zero ) then 
*     -- Compressive Matrix Mode 
            rmc = ( s11 * half * f1tInv )**2 
     *           + ( s22**2 * abs(f2tInv * f2cInv) ) 
     *           + ( s12 * f12Inv )**2 
     *           + ( s22 * (f2tInv + f2cInv) ) 
            if ( rmc .ge. one ) then 
               lDmg = 1 
               dmgMatrixC(k) = one 
            end if 
         end if 
         enomMax = eigMax - one 
         enomMin = eigMin - one 
         if ( enomMax .gt. eMax .or. 
     *        enomMin .lt. eMin .or. 
     *        dmgFiberT(k) .eq. one ) then 
            statusMp(k) = zero 
         end if 
         nDmg = nDmk + lDmg 
         end if 
      end do 

*   betaDamping: Add beta damping                          * 
      subroutine betaDamping3d ( nblock, 
     *     beta, dt, strainInc, sigOld, sigNew, 
     *     statusMp, sigDampOld, sigDampNew ) 
      include '' 
     *     i_s33_Xx = 1, 
     *     i_s33_Yy = 2, 
     *     i_s33_Zz = 3, 
     *     i_s33_Xy = 4, 
     *     i_s33_Yz = 5, 
     *     i_s33_Zx = 6, 
     *     n_s33_Car = 6 ) 
      dimension  sigOld(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     sigNew(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     strainInc(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     statusMp(nblock), 
     *     sigDampOld(nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     sigDampNew(nblock,n_s33_Car)       
      parameter ( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, two=2.0d0, 
     *     half = 0.5d0, third = 1.d0/3.d0 ) 
      parameter ( asmall = 1.d-16 ) 
      betaddt =  beta / dt 
      do k =1 , nblock 
         sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Xx) = betaddt * statusMp(k) * 
     *        ( sigNew(k,i_s33_Xx) 
     *        - ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Xx) - sigDampOld(k,i_s33_Xx) ) ) 
         sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Yy) = betaddt * statusMp(k) * 
     *        ( sigNew(k,i_s33_Yy) 
     *        - ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Yy) - sigDampOld(k,i_s33_Yy) ) ) 
         sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Zz) = betaddt * statusMp(k) * 
     *        ( sigNew(k,i_s33_Zz) 
     *        - ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Zz) - sigDampOld(k,i_s33_Zz) ) ) 
         sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Xy) = betaddt * statusMp(k) * 
     *        ( sigNew(k,i_s33_Xy) 
     *        - ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Xy) - sigDampOld(k,i_s33_Xy) ) ) 
         sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Yz) = betaddt * statusMp(k) * 
     *        ( sigNew(k,i_s33_Yz) 
     *        - ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Yz) - sigDampOld(k,i_s33_Yz) ) ) 
         sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Zx) = betaddt * statusMp(k) * 
     *        ( sigNew(k,i_s33_Zx) 
     *        - ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Zx) - sigDampOld(k,i_s33_Zx) ) ) 
         sigNew(k,i_s33_Xx) = sigNew(k,i_s33_Xx)+sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Xx) 
         sigNew(k,i_s33_Yy) = sigNew(k,i_s33_Yy)+sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Yy) 
         sigNew(k,i_s33_Zz) = sigNew(k,i_s33_Zz)+sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Zz) 
         sigNew(k,i_s33_Xy) = sigNew(k,i_s33_Xy)+sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Xy) 
         sigNew(k,i_s33_Yz) = sigNew(k,i_s33_Yz)+sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Yz) 
         sigNew(k,i_s33_Zx) = sigNew(k,i_s33_Zx)+sigDampNew(k,i_s33_Zx) 
      end do 

*   EnergyInternal3d: Compute internal energy for 3d case  * 
      subroutine EnergyInternal3d(nblock, sigOld, sigNew , 
     *   strainInc, curDensity, enerInternOld, enerInternNew) 
      include '' 
     *     i_s33_Xx = 1, 
     *     i_s33_Yy = 2, 
     *     i_s33_Zz = 3, 
     *     i_s33_Xy = 4, 
     *     i_s33_Yz = 5, 
     *     i_s33_Zx = 6, 
     *     n_s33_Car = 6 ) 
      parameter( two = 2.d0, half = .5d0 ) 
      dimension sigOld (nblock,n_s33_Car), sigNew (nblock,n_s33_Car), 
     *     strainInc (nblock,n_s33_Car), curDensity (nblock), 
     *     enerInternOld(nblock), enerInternNew(nblock) 
      do k = 1, nblock 
         stressPower  = half * ( 
     *        ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Xx) + sigNew(k,i_s33_Xx) ) 
     *        * ( strainInc(k,i_s33_Xx) ) 
     *        +       ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Yy) + sigNew(k,i_s33_Yy) ) 
     *        * ( strainInc(k,i_s33_Yy)) 
     *        +       ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Zz) + sigNew(k,i_s33_Zz) ) 
     *        * ( strainInc(k,i_s33_Zz)) 
     *        + two * ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Xy) + sigNew(k,i_s33_Xy) ) 
     *        * strainInc(k,i_s33_Xy) 
     *        + two * ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Yz) + sigNew(k,i_s33_Yz) ) 
     *        * strainInc(k,i_s33_Yz) 
     *        + two * ( sigOld(k,i_s33_Zx) + sigNew(k,i_s33_Zx) ) 
     *        * strainInc(k,i_s33_Zx) ) 
         enerInternNew(k) = enerInternOld(k) + stressPower/curDensity(k) 
      end do 

*   CopyR: Copy from one array to another                  * 
      subroutine CopyR(nCopy, from, to ) 
      include '' 
      dimension from(nCopy), to(nCopy) 
      do k = 1, nCopy 
         to(k) = from(k) 
      end do 

* eig33Anal: Compute eigen values of a 3x3 symmetric matrix analytically * 
      subroutine eig33Anal( nblock, sMat, eigVal ) 
      include '' 
      parameter(i_s33_Xx=1,i_s33_Yy=2,i_s33_Zz=3 ) 
      parameter(i_s33_Xy=4,i_s33_Yz=5,i_s33_Zx=6 ) 
      parameter(i_s33_Yx=i_s33_Xy ) 
      parameter(i_s33_Zy=i_s33_Yz ) 
      parameter(i_s33_Xz=i_s33_Zx,n_s33_Car=6 ) 
      parameter(i_v3d_X=1,i_v3d_Y=2,i_v3d_Z=3 ) 
      parameter(n_v3d_Car=3 ) 
      parameter ( zero = 0.d0, one = 1.d0, two = 2.d0, 
     *     three = 3.d0, half = 0.5d0, third = one / three, 
     *     pi23 = 2.094395102393195d0, 
     *     fuzz = 1.d-8, 
     *     preciz = fuzz * 1.d4 ) 
      dimension eigVal(nblock,n_v3d_Car), sMat(nblock,n_s33_Car) 
      do k = 1, nblock 
        sh  = third*(sMat(k,i_s33_Xx)+sMat(k,i_s33_Yy)+sMat(k,i_s33_Zz)) 
        s11 = sMat(k,i_s33_Xx) - sh 
        s22 = sMat(k,i_s33_Yy) - sh 
        s33 = sMat(k,i_s33_Zz) - sh 
        s12 = sMat(k,i_s33_Xy) 
        s13 = sMat(k,i_s33_Xz) 
        s23 = sMat(k,i_s33_Yz) 
        fac  = max(abs(s11), abs(s22), abs(s33)) 
        facs = max(abs(s12), abs(s13), abs(s23)) 
        if( facs .lt. (preciz*fac) ) then 
          eigVal(k,i_v3d_X) = sMat(k,i_s33_Xx) 
          eigVal(k,i_v3d_Y) = sMat(k,i_s33_Yy) 
          eigVal(k,i_v3d_Z) = sMat(k,i_s33_Zz) 
          q = third*((s12**2+s13**2+s23**2)+half*(s11**2+s22**2+s33**2)) 
          fac = two * sqrt(q) 
          if( fac .gt. fuzz ) then 
            ofac = two/fac 
            ofac = zero 
          end if 
          s11 = ofac*s11 
          s22 = ofac*s22 
          s33 = ofac*s33 
          s12 = ofac*s12 
          s13 = ofac*s13 
          s23 = ofac*s23 
          r = s12*s13*s23 
     *         + half*(s11*s22*s33-s11*s23**2-s22*s13**2-s33*s12**2) 
          if( r .ge. one-fuzz ) then 
            cos1 = -half 
            cos2 = -half 
            cos3 = one 
          else if( r .le. fuzz-one ) then 
            cos1 = -one 
            cos2 = half 
            cos3 = half 
            ang = third * acos(r) 
            cos1 = cos(ang) 
            cos2 = cos(ang+pi23) 
            cos3 =-cos1-cos2 
          end if 
          eigVal(k,i_v3d_X) = sh + fac*cos1 
          eigVal(k,i_v3d_Y) = sh + fac*cos2 
          eigVal(k,i_v3d_Z) = sh + fac*cos3 
        end if 
      end do 

COMPOSITES FOR DYNAMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS WITH FAILURE” by Zifeng Nie from The Graduate Faculty of The University of Akron. This thesis is public accessible. Ask Google 😀©



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