I find that the WP Minify plugin is not compatible with WordPress 3.1. It makes the new “Easy within-site linking from new content” feature not working and version 1.0.2 of this plugin causes sites updated to the newest version of WP 3.1 breaking down.
About 10 days ago, I updated my WP to the newest alpha test version of 3.1. And I was so excited to taste the new feature of internal linking editing mode, but it’s not work. I didn’t know why and let it be.
Today, it pops a update to WP Minify of 1.0.2 and I do the update as usual immediately. And then, when I going to my homepage, it’s showing a blank page with only a notice saying that there is a non object call error in file query.php. After deactivating this plugin, the error is gone.
Most importantly, I find that the new feature of link editing is working now.
引用通告: 给基于WordPress + K2 Theme的网站加速 « 水景一页
引用通告: 体验WordPress 3.1新特性 « 水景一页
引用通告: 优化WordPress中JavaScript加载位置 « 水景一页
I think this is the issue:
I’ve reported the issue to the author of wp minify.
Maybe it is. Thank you for the information.
But I find another simple and efficient plugin to do the same job for me. It’s JavaScript to Footer.