
妻子拿 Tier 4 PBS Dependant 签证与我同到曼城,为是否需要缴纳市政税纠结了很久。最后终于查明是不需要交的。

妻子的签证条件是可以工作但不能享受社会福利(no recourse to public funds),而 public funds 是包括市政税支持(Council Tax Support)的。但是这边法律上有很多 exemptions(豁免)。

UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affaires) 上关于市政税(Council Tax)的介绍页面(该页面修订于 2014.03.06) 结尾处写到:

If you live in an ‘exempt dwelling’ you will not need to pay the Council Tax and there will be no bill for the dwelling.

Exempt dwellings include:

  • Accommodation provided by the university or college that is occupied only or mainly by students (for example, a hall of residence or student house)
  • Other dwellings (for example, a privately rented flat) occupied only by students
  • Other dwellings occupied only by students and their dependants, who are not British citizens, and are prevented, by the terms of their UK immigration permission, from taking paid employment or from claiming benefits (for example a spouse with PBS dependant leave that has a condition that they have no recourse to public funds
    其它仅由学生及其受养者居住,而且该受养者非英国公民且根据英国移民署规定不能进行有报酬的工作或申请社会福利(如,一个有 PBS dependant 签证,且签证上指明不能享受公共财政支持的配偶)

A dwelling will not be exempt if you are living with your non-student spouse, civil partner or adult dependant, and they are:

  • an EEA or Swiss national, or the family member of an EEA or Swiss national, who is exercising a right of free movement in the UK, or
    是 EEA 或者 Swiss 国籍,或者 EEA 或 Swiss 家庭的成员,在英国可以自由行动,或者
  • a British citizen, or
  • settled in the UK (with indefinite leave to enter or remain).

另外,曼彻斯特市政府网站上关于 Council Tax 的 Money off council tax for students 页面上也写到,

Foreign students with an overseas partner or dependant

If you are a foreign full-time student with a partner or dependant who is not a British citizen and is not allowed to work or claim benefits you will not have to pay Council Tax.

You will have to send us a copy of your partner’s passport with the other student details that we need for you. See Claim a reduction or exemption.

你需要在寄送你的学生信息材料(参见 Claim a reduction or exemption)的同时寄送一份配偶的护照复印件。

所以,随留学生入境的、拥有 Tier PBS Dependant 签证的人(成人一般都是可以工作但 no recourse to public funds)是不需要缴纳市政税的。©


4 条关于 “在英国留学生非英籍配偶不需要交市政税” 的评论

  1. 今天看Inbox 看到和老兄的环聊 聊天记录


    • 其实出来读博这事两年前的时候我还没曾想过,都是机缘。
      谢谢asing,本来想等Inbox正式上线的,既然有这么好的条件那就麻烦你来个邀请吧 :D


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