WP Super Cache Error with Preloading Taxonomies on Mainblog of a Sub-directiory Multisite WordPress

With WP Super Cache 1.0, the author Donncha added a feature of preloading taxonomies (tags, categories) and custom post content. But if you run a multisite WordPress in sub-directory mode, this feature could be failure in the main blog.


关于 WordPress 表格插件自定义样式的补充说明(图文教程)

WP-Table Reloaded 是一款功能强大,可充分自定义的 WordPress 表格插件。其文档和 FAQ 文档写得非常全面且简洁。可能正是因为过于简洁,所以很多朋友在参照实施的时候会经常因理解不到位而出现差错。大家问得比较多的就是表格列宽的自定义设置问题。下面就这个问题举例进行说明。
