官恩娜成为Go Daddy代言人

著名歌星、演员和模特官恩娜成为Go Daddy Girl,开始代言Go Daddy产品和服务广告。相比之前的Go Daddy女孩,官恩娜更加清纯靓丽,也更加符合东方人的审美观点。这也更加彰显Go Daddy对亚洲市场的重视。

今年,Go Daddy已开始与支付宝(Alipay)合作,使得国人在Go Daddy的购买支付更加便利,同时推出了好几款中文广告条,如今又聘请东方美女作为形象代言。也许这与几年来国内大量独立博客和网站纷纷外迁使得Go Daddy的中国用户量节节攀升有关。

相信我们很快就能看到官恩娜代言的Go Daddy广告了。




官恩娜拥有美貌、才艺和智慧。作为模特、演员和歌手的她发展非常成功,现在正扩大她影响力,成为一个Go Daddy女孩!

出生在塔希提岛的恩娜具有华人血统,在香港长大,就读于英国伯明翰高中。她于2000年开始了模特生涯,同年晚些时候,获得了她的第一个电影角色。 2004年,还在从事模特工作的同时,恩娜签订了唱片合约并发行了首张专辑“Original”。在流行剧“Revolving Door of Vengeance”和“Survivor’s Law II”以及其它几部特色电影中的演出使恩娜的知名度持续增长。

恩娜成为Go Daddy女孩是非常有道理的,因为她在网络上非常活跃。她拥有自己的YouTube ®频道,经常到Twitter ®发消息,并且在Facebook ®上拥有数以万计的粉丝。



国内用户可能需要“番羽土啬”才能看到这两个网站,方法请参考“匿名 & 隐私”。

上述资料译自以下官恩娜的资料,来自 www.GoDaddy.com

Ella Koon’s Profile

Born: Tahiti
Residence: Hong Kong
Talents: Acting, singing and modeling
Website: www.ella.asia

Ella Koon has it all – beauty, talent and intelligence. She’s found success as a model, actress and singer and is now expanding her popularity as a Go Daddy Girl!

Born in Tahiti and of Chinese descent, Ella was raised in Hong Kong and attended high school in Birmingham, England. She began her career in 2000 as a model and landed her first movie role later that same year. In 2004, while still modeling, Ella signed a recording contract and released her debut album, “Original.” Ella’s popularity continued to grow as she starred in popular television dramas “Revolving Door of Vengeance” and “Survivor’s Law II,” as well as several other feature films.

Ella’s latest role as a Go Daddy Girl makes perfect sense, as she is very active online. She has her own YouTube® channel, frequently posts to Twitter® and has tens of thousands of fans on Facebook®.©


2 条关于 “官恩娜成为Go Daddy代言人” 的评论

  1. 引用通告: GoDaddy 中国新年献礼 7 折优惠代码 « 水景一页

  2. 引用通告: Go Daddy 第四代共享空间(4GH) « 水景一页


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