这部由Fox公司出品的科幻剧,在第一季中为我们呈现了Massive Dynamic如何的玄机重重,科学怪人Walter如何解决了这些事件;但是,又如何解释已死的John又与Olivia沟通?让观众大惊失色的平行宇宙又将有如何美妙的解释?一切的源头到底在哪?我们的美女FBI到底何去何从?以下是官方对第二季信息的披露,翻译不当之处还请留言告知:
FRINGE returns for a second thrilling season that will continue to explore the unexplained phenomena and terrifying occurrences linked throughout the world – known simply as “The Pattern” – in pursuit of a larger, more shocking truth.
Set in Boston, the FBI’s Fringe Division formed when Special Agent OLIVIA DUNHAM (Anna Torv) enlisted the help of institutionalized “fringe” scientist WALTER BISHOP (John Noble) and his son, PETER (Joshua Jackson), to save her partner and lover from a mind-bending death. Through unconventional and unorthodox methods, the FRINGE team imagines and tests the impossibilities while investigating unbelievable events, macabre crimes, and mystifying cases involving pyrokinesis, neuroscience, cryonics, genetic engineering, astral projection, and other fantastical theories. When the unimaginable happens, it’s their job to stop it.
故事背景设定在波士顿,联邦探员OLIVIA DUNHAM (Anna Torv,安娜•托芙)为了将她的搭档兼情人从一种离奇的死亡状态挽救回来,招募权威的”边缘问题”科学家WALTER BISHOP (John Noble)和他的儿子PETER (Joshua Jackson)来助阵,成立了FBI边缘问题事务部。边缘问题小组职责在于调查令人难以置信的事件、令人毛骨悚然的罪行以及神秘莫测的案件诸如pyrokinesis(焦性动力理论——无对应翻译,译者注)、神经科学、人体冷冻法(将无法治疗的病人冷冻以期在将来有条件治愈时再解冻——译者注)、基因工程、占星项目以及其它荒诞理论。在这个过程中,他们要想象和测试各种不可能性,用尽各种非传统甚至异端的方法。他们的工作就是在难以想象的事情发生时去阻止它。
Agent PHILLIP BROYLES (Lance Reddick) guides the group, while by-the-book Agent CHARLIE FRANCIS (Kirk Acevedo) and Junior Agent ASTRID FARNSWORTH (Jasika Nicole) provide support and depth to the team. Underscoring the unfolding mysteries, enigmatic Massive Dynamic executive NINA SHARP (Blair Brown) asserts that the advancement of technology is changing the world of science, and conversely, the science of the world.
探员PHILLIP BROYLES (Lance Reddick)是这个小组的上级领导,循规蹈矩的探员CHARLIE FRANCIS (Kirk Acevedo)和初级探员ASTRID FARNSWORTH (Jasika Nicole)为这个小组提供支持并为他们冲锋陷阵。伴随着这一系列的神秘事件的展开,谜一般的Massive Dynamic公司执行官NINA SHARP (Blair Brown)说,科技的进步,正在改变着科学的世界,以及世界的科学。
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