升级到Windows 7?

再有一个星期,到10月22日,Windows 7就开始正式发布了,你准备好升级到Windows 7了吗?

根据我个人的试用经历,我是非常期待升级到Windows 7的。嗯,我的硬件不怎么的,运行Windows 7稍嫌不够,不过面对那些让人心动的特性,我决定:升级!

如果你本来用的是Vista,有条件的话我建议一定要升级到Windows 7,就别问为什么了;如果本来用的是Windows XP,如果硬件允许,也升级吧。



Manually add google search provider as default one through registry

For an unknown reason, the default search provider Google of my Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP had been tampered. I tried the following ways to recovery it but in vain:

  1. tried to Find More Providers… through http://www.ieaddons.com/cn/searchproviders and clicked on the Add to Internet Explorer button;
  2. also tried to follow the instruction at the bottom of  the above-mentioned web page Create your own Search Provider;
  3. Reset Internet Explorer Settings on Internet Explorer –> Tools –>Internet Options –> Advanced.

At last, I have to manually add Google search provider by editing the windows registry. Here is the way, in case someone need it. 继续阅读全文

QQ 远程协助

从 QQ2004 版开始,QQ 也提供了类似于 Windows 的远程协助功能,名字就是远程协助,虽然不如 Windows 中提供的软件好用。可是因为使用 QQ 的国人占绝对多数,而他们又很少有使用 MSN 的,所以,这个应该是国人使用最广泛的远程协助功能了。本文针对通过 QQ 发送远程协助请求的步骤和注意事项了简要介绍。
