Windows 7 Tips: “发送到”菜单上的秘密


图1 Windows 7中“发送到”菜单里隐藏的秘密

图1 Windows 7中“发送到”菜单里隐藏的秘密





原文链接: Stupid Geek Tricks: Secret Items on the Windows 7 Send To Menu :: the How-To Geek.


While poking around in Windows 7, I discovered extra context menu items using the same Shift + Right-click trick we used to open a command prompt from the desktop menu, and we’ve got big colorful screenshots to show you today.

Viewing the Secret Items

These are the default items that you should see on the Send To menu when you right-click on a file:

Windows 7 Send To Menu

Hold down the Shift key while right-clicking on the icon, and then try the Send To menu… all sorts of extra options!

Windows 7 Send To Secret Items

If you want any of those to show up normally without holding down the Shift key, you can create shortcuts in the Send To folder. Just type the following into the location bar:


And then drag shortcuts to your preferred folders into this folder.

Windows 7 shell:sendto Menu

I’ve found that using custom shortcuts in the Send To menu can be very handy… I use them to upload images to the HTG web server on a daily basis.




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