从windows ntfs硬盘安装opensuse 11.1的问题及解决



problem with installing opensuse 11.1 from ntfs hard drive


从openSUSE 11.1的DVD安装镜像光盘直接硬盘安装openSUSE时,开始进行很顺利,但是到重新启动并要求输入安装源文件的位置(路径)时出现错误,“找不到安装镜像”。


先将iso镜像安装光盘移到一个移动硬盘,同时将它解压缩到本地硬盘,如D盘,(也许将iso也放在本地硬盘同样可以,我没有测试)。然后按照加载镜像文件(在usb移动硬盘上)的方式开始安装。I released the iso file to drive D and copied it to a usb hard drive, then began to install opensuse 11.1.

当提示需要源(source)路径时,给出iso文件的路径。进入yast2开始进入安装的图形界面。进行一系列确认和配置之后,按要求重新启动。When it asked for source, I gave the iso file on the usb hard drive and it began to start yast2 and entered the graphic UI.

当初始化安装进行到最后一步要求输入repository(源)的位置时,输入解压后的文件位置(这里是D盘上的某个目录),确认,安装进程能够顺利进行了。When it performs the initial progress to the last step and ask for the repository, I give the released files on drive D, it accept and give the next button for me finally.



I download the DVD iso from the opensuse.org site last night, and can’t complete my installation yet. Someone plz help me out!This is the problem, occurred in step (4):

1)place the openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso in hard drive D (ntfs partion in windows xp on notebook);

2)autorun the iso using a virtual cd/dvd soft(powerISO), and install the opensuse installer(local);

3)reboot computer and enter the install procedure;

4)when the yast2 proceeds to System Probing and on the last item Initialize package manager, I get an error message about Unable to create repository …;

5)I click on ‘yes’ and put the path of the iso manual, and get another error message:

Unable to create repository from URL ‘iso:/?iso=openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso&url=hd:///?device=/dev/sda5&filesystem=auto’.Details: Failure to mount /dev/sda5 or /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000001: Mounting media failed ( mount: /dev/sda5 already mounted or /var/adm/mount/AP_0x00000001/ bu

Try again?

and if I try again, the same problem come again.I had completely installed the 11.0 by this means(maybe something different in detail, I can’t remember).

Please help me out!


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#2 (permalink)


Today, 10:55


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Student Penguin

Join Date: Dec 2008

Posts: 58

Re: problem with installing opensuse 11.1 from ntfs hard dri

Are you actually running the linux kernel and making installer choices before then? If so if you CNTRL-ALT-F2 you will get a root prompt and you can dig around a bit.

But I’m not sure how much that will help, though you can then make copies of the YaST log files that are required to file a bug report.

If you can’t get YaST to loopback mount the ISO file off the NTFS partition, then you can either, burn the DVD and install normal way, or use another Linux host, which loopback mounts the file and exports via NFS.Though I’m sure you have a good reason for installing off the disk image, it must be much less well tested than the Live CD, disk and net install options.


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#3 (permalink)


Today, 14:57


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Puzzled Penguin

Join Date: Dec 2008

Posts: 2

Re: problem with installing opensuse 11.1 from ntfs hard dri

Thank you for your advise!

I released the iso file to drive D and copied it to a usb hard drive, then began to install opensuse 11.1.

When it asked for source, I gave the iso file on the usb hard drive and it began to start yast2 and entered the graphic UI.

When it performs the initial progress to the last step and ask for the repository, I give the released files on drive D, it accept and give the next button for me finally.



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