

1. 研究系统

研究员[正高] professor , professor + 学科

副研究员[副高] associate professor; associate professor of 学科

助理研究员[中] research associate;

研究实习员[初] research assistant.

2. 大学教师系列

教授[正高] professor

副教授[副高] associate professor; associate professor of 学科

讲师[中] lecturer

助教[初] assistant

3. 中等专业学校、技工学校教师系统

高级讲师[副高] senior lecturer;

讲师[中] lecturer;

助理讲师[初] assistant lecturer;

教员[初] teacher;

高级实习指导教师[副高] senior instructor;

一级实习指导教师[中] first-grade instructor;

二级实习指导教师[初] second-grade instructor;

三级实习指导教师[初] third-grade instructor.

4. 中学教师系列

中学高级教师[副高] senior teacher (secondary school);

中学一级教师[中] first-grade teacher (secondary school);

中学二级教师[初] second-grade teacher (secondary school);

中学三级教师[初] third-grade teacher (secondary school)。

5. 小学教师系列

小学高级教师[中] senior teacher(primary school);

小学一级教师[初] first-grade teacher(primary school);

小学二级教师[初] second-grade teacher (primary school);

小学三级教师[初] third-grade teacher (primary school)

6. 工程技术系列

教授级高级工程师[正高] professor of engineering

高级工程师[副高] senior engineering 或 associate professor of engineering

工程师[中] engineer

助理工程师[初] assistant engineer

技术员[初] technician

7. 实验系列

高级实验师[高] senior lab master

实验师[中] lab master

助理实验师[初] assistant lab master

实验员[初] laboratory technician。

8. 农业技术系列

高级农艺师[高] senior agronomist

农艺师[中] agronomist;

助理农艺师[初] assistant agronomist;

农业技术员[初] agricultural technician.

9. 图书资料系列

研究馆员[正高] professor of library science;

副研究馆员[副高] associate professor of library science;

馆员[中] librarian;

助理馆员[初] library assistant;

管理员[初] clerk。

10. 档案系列

研究馆员[正高] professor of archives science;

副研究馆员[副高] associate professor of archives science;

馆员[中] archivist;

助理馆员[初] assistant archivist;

管理员[初] file clerk

11. 文物博物系列

研究馆员[正高] professor of relics and museology;

副研究馆员[副高] associate professor of relics and museology;

馆员[中] museologist;

助理馆员[初] assistant museologist;

文博管理员[初] conservator。

12. 卫生技术系列

主任医师[正高]在医科大学讲课的教授,叫professor of medicine,或者professor of medicial science,而主任医师主要在医院工作,为了有所区别,可将“主任医师”译作professor of treatment 或professor + 从事的专长学科(例如:professor of paediatrics[儿科主任医师],professor of dermatology[皮肤科主任医师],等等)

副主任医师[副高] associate professor of treatment, 或 associate professor of +学科。

主治医师[中]可译作 doctor-in-charge;如果要表达清楚,则可分别译作:

  • surgeon-in-charge[外科主治医师],
  • oculist-in-charge[眼科主治医师],
  • pediatrician-in-charge[儿科主治医师],
  • physician-in-charge[内科主治医师],
  • gyneco-logist-in-charge [妇科主治医师],
  • dermatol-ogist-in-charge[皮肤科主治医师],
  • dentist-in-charge[牙科主治医师],等等。

医师[初] doctor,或 doctor+科别;

医士[初] assistant doctor.

主任药师[正高] professor of pharmacy;

副主任药师[副高] associate professor of pharmacy;

主管药师[中] pharmacist-in-charge;

药师[初] pharmacist;

药士[初] assistant pharmacist。

主任护师[正高] professor of nursing;

副主任护师[副高] associate professor of nursing;

主管护师[中] nurse-in-charge;

护师[初] nurse practitioner;

护士[初] nurse或nurse’s aide。

主任技师[正高] full senior technologist;

副主任技师[副高] associate senior technologist;

主管技师[中] technologist-in-charge;

技师[初] technologist;

技士[初] technician。

13. 新闻系列

高级编辑[正高] full senior editor;

主任编辑[副高] associate senior editor;

编辑[中] editor;

助理编辑[初] assistant editor。

高级记者[正高] full senior reporter;

主任记者[副高] associate senior reporter;

记者[中] reporter;

助理记者[初] assistant reporter。

14. 出版系列

编审[正高] full senior editor

副编审[副高] associate senior editor

编辑[中] editor;

助理编辑[初] assistant editor;

技术编辑[中] technical editor;

助理技术编辑[初] assistant technical editor;

技术设计员[初] technical designer;

一级校对[中] first-grade proofreader;

二级校对[初] second-grade proofreader;

三级校对[初] third-grade proofreader。

15. 翻译系列

译审[正高] full senior translator

副译审[副高] associate senior translator

翻译[中] translator;

助理翻译[初] assistant translator 。

16. 广播电视播音系列

播音指导[正高] director of announcing;

主任播音员[副高] chief announcer;

一级播音员[中] first-grade announcer;

二级播音员[初] second-grade announcer;

三级播音员[初] third-grade announcer。

17. 经济系列

高级经济师[高] senior economist;

经济师[中] economist;

助理经济师[初] assistant economist;

经济员[初] economic clerk。

18. 会计系列

高级会计师[高] senior accountant;

会计师[中] accountant;

助理会计师[初] assistant accountant;

会计员[初] treasurer。

19. 统计系列

高级统计师[高] senior statistician;

统计师[中] statistician;

助理统计师[初] assistant statistician;

统计员[初] statistical clerk。

20. 律师系列

一级律师[正高]“律师”,在英美有多种叫法:比较通用的是 lawyer;“一级律师”译first-grade lawyer;

二级律师[副高] second-grade lawyer;

三级律师[中] third-grade lawyer;

四级律师[初] fourth-grade lawyer;

律师助理[初] lawyer’s assistant

21. 公证系列

一级公证员[正高]“公证员”译成notary public(简称NP)或notary都可以,而用NP更正式一些。“一级公证员”可译first-grade notary public;

二级公证员[副高]second-grade notary public;

三级公证员[中]third-grade notary public;

四级公证员[初]fourth-grade notary public;

公证员助理[初]notary’s assistant

22. 海关系列

高级关务监督[高]senior customs supervisor;

关务监督[中]customs supervisor;

助理关务监督[初]assistant customs supervisor;

关务员[初]customs clerk。

23. 航空飞行系列

一级飞行员[高]first-grade pilot;

二级飞行员[中]second-grade pilot;

三级飞行员[初]third-grade pilot;

四级飞行员[初]fourth-grade pilot;

一级领航员[高]first-grade navigator;

二级领航员[中]second-grade navigator;

三级领航员[初]third-grade navigator;

四级领航员[初]fourth-grade navigator;

一级飞行通信员[高]first-grade flight radioman;

二级飞行通信员[中]second-grade flight radioman;

三级飞行通信员[初]third-grade flight radioman;

四级飞行通信员[初]fourth-grade flight radioman;

一级飞行机械员[高]first-grade flight engineer;

二级飞行机械员[中]second-grade flight engineer;

三级飞行机械员[初]third-grade flight engineer;

四级飞行机械员[初]fourth-grade flight engineer。

24. 船舶技术系列

高级船长[高]英语里关于“船长”一词有好几个对应词:captain, shipmaster, 拟译为 captain; “高级船长”译作senior captain;


大副[中]译作first mate或mate;

二副[初]second mate;

三副[初]third mate;

高级轮机长[高]senior engineer或senior chief engineer;

轮机长[中]chief或chief engineer;

大管轮[中]first engineman;

二管轮[初]second engineman;

三管轮[初]third engineman;

高级电机员[高]senior electrician;

通用电机员[中]general electrician;

一等电机员[中]first electrician;

二等电机员[初]second electrician;

高级报务员[高]senior radioman;

通用报务员[中]general radioman;

一等报务员[中]first radioman;

二等报务员[初]second radioman;

限用报务员[初]special radioman。

25. 体育教练系列

主教练[高]chief coach;


助理教练[初]assistant coach。

26. 艺术系列

一级[高]first-grade(如“一级演员”,first-grade actor);

二级[高]second-grade (如“二级画师”,second-grade painter);

三级[初]third-grade(如“三级导演”,third-grade director);

四级[初]fourth-grade (如“四级演员”,fourth-grade actor)。

27. 工艺美术系列

高级工艺美术师[高]senior industrial artist;

工艺美术师[中]industrial artist;

助理工艺美术师[初]assistant industrial artist;

工艺美术员[初]painter of handicraft。

28. 其它



法医(forensic medicine),套用卫生技术系列职称。




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